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PALESTINE - Conception and realization of training sessions

Territoire palestinien
Précisions sur la localisation: 
Nom du client/bénéficiaire: 
ONG HAMAP - (Funder : French Water Board Agency : Agence de l’eau Adour Garonne)
Date de démarrage: 
septembre, 2013
Date d'achèvement: 
août, 2017
ONG HAMAP (Funder : French Water Board Agency : Agence de l’Eau Adour Garonne)
Descriptif du projet: 

Conception and realization of training session on the below topics :

“Choice and design of waste water treatment plants”, (10 days) – 2013 - Palestine

What are main processes of waste water treatment plants for urban waste waters

How are working main treatment processes of waste water treatment plants for urban waste waters

Main design ratios of these processes

Choice criteria of these processes

« Operation of waste water plant processes », (10 days) – 2015- France

How to realise operation tests and how to operate the processes of WWTP

To know malfunctions that could occur on processes of WWTPs

To know interactions between the working of equipment and the efficiency of the process

« Quick diagnosis of waste water treatment plant processes », (5 days) – 2015 - Palestine

How to realise operation tests in the aim to diagnose waste water treatment plants processes

How to interpret obtained results

How to establish quick diagnosis of waste water treatment plants processes

How to use the feedback of this diagnosis to adjust the settings and improve the monitoring

« Choice and design of waste water treatment plant », (5 days) – 2016 - Palestine

What are main processes of waste water treatment plants for urban waste waters

How are working main treatment processes of waste water treatment plants for urban waste waters

Choice criteria of these processes

« Waste water treatment plant », (5 days) – 2016- Palestine

To deliver a technical review of the server network

To know the impact of the collection system on the plant

To deliver a technical review of the sludge treatment facilities

To know the different final disposal options

« Project management for waste water treatment plant” – 2017 – Palestine

1-Choice and design of wastewater (5 days)

What are main processes of waste water treatment plants for urban waste waters

What are the main preliminary studies and investigations needed to lead the project

The main selection criteria of these processes - Main design ratios of these processes

The main selection criteria for the further operation

2-project follow up and commissioning period» (5 days)

What are the main and the critical steps of a project of WWTP building

What are the roles of each stakeholder during the project

How to organize the commissioning period

Trial tests and hand over to the municipalities

Descriptif des services rendus par l'OIEau: 
  • - Preparation and realization of 5 training sessions
  • - Practical work
  • - Pedagogical documents
  • - Final report

"One of the most important result of this partnership was to develop strong relationship between IOWater staff (trainers) and the municipal wastewater services (Jericho, Ramallah, Nablous, Tubas, Hebron, ...). This long term collaboration promotes a good understanding of the specific context in Palestine, which is tacken into account during the design of the training sessions delivered to Palestinian attendees. "


Onglets principaux