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Integrated Management of the Sabarmati River Basin

Nom du client/bénéficiaire: 
Narmada Water Resources and Water Supply Dept - Government of Gujarat
Date de démarrage: 
novembre, 1999
Date d'achèvement: 
octobre, 2001
Nom des consultants associés/partenaires éventuels: 
BRL – BCEOM - Seureca
Descriptif du projet: 

The main objectives of this project were :
- the organisation of an integrated information system for the Sabarmati river basin, the preparation of a long-term development scheme,
- the definition of a priority action plan, and
- the setting-up of a "Sabarmati River Basin Committee".

The Project outcomes and findings were submitted to the people in charge of the water sector in the Gujarat and Central Governments.

Descriptif des services rendus par l'OIEau: 

Technical assistance and development of an information system (structuring of the river basin information system, organisation of data collection, identification of the existing data sources and databases, modalities for data exchange, assessment of the situation, identification of the main problems and existing projects).

* Technical assistance for the organisation and validation of a River Basin Committee, the definition of its tasks and participants (Government, Boards, local authorities, representatives of users) and the organisation of the committee meetings.
* Preparation of a Masterplan for the river basin : study of the various scenarios for the long-term development plan and detailed analysis of the Priority Action Plan.


Onglets principaux