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9th Implementation Report of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and modern information system for all countries: UWWTD SIIF

Titre long: 
operational EU databases and EU and National reports on the status of implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and on the programmes for implementation of that Directive for the status as at 2014.
Précisions sur la localisation: 
28 European countries
Nom du client/bénéficiaire: 
European Commission, DG Environment
Date de démarrage: 
août, 2016
Date d'achèvement: 
août, 2018
Union Européenne
Nom des consultants associés/partenaires éventuels: 
UBA Austria – Vito Belgium – IzVRS Slovenia
Descriptif du projet: 

Under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, the 28 European Member States have to report every two years the detailed situation as regards implementation of the Directive. In 2012, the European Commission has developed a concept of Structured Information and Implementation Framework (SIIF) to ensure the production and the online dissemination of information allowing the citizens to know the status of implementation of the Directive. For the DG environment, OIEau has developed a prototype UWWTD SIIF platform and then implemented in a pilot phase the platform for seven countries. The open source platform (a set of softwares combined to gather treat and visualise the data reported by countries which forms a standalone software package) can be re used by any country willing to visualize its wastewater data with graphs, maps, summary tables and online access to all this (see presentations). The platform received an international award from the Open Geospatial Consortium - OGC in category best practices in public administration and data visualization (see award and video).

The current project had two key objectives:

-Technical support to assess the legal compliance of the implementation by the 28 European countries of the UWWTD to prepare the 9th European UWWTD implementation report

-Implement the UWWTD SIIF platform for all EU 28 Member States, import the 8th and 9th official reported MS datasets, and use them for the assessment (see UWWTD SIIF platforms).


with in view accelerating the availability of the most recent information for all.


The project has produced a platform for each of the 28 EU countries with two reporting years, and a set of reports and annexes. They have also been extensively used to conduct the last official assessment of country sanitation situation. The entire set of information and final report were made available officially during Spring 2017, and were extensively used to interact with each country to improve the provided data, and the resulting assessment. This resulted during the process in gathering and treating also the data of 2 countries which had difficulties in the previous exercise and the result is that all the 28 Member States are now covered with a detailed platform showing the situation. This proved to be useful and the use of the platforms since, have shown how much this information can also be reused by others.

Descriptif des services rendus par l'OIEau: 

Assessment of the data reported under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD 91/271/EEC) in the 9th reporting exercise (conducted during Spring 2016) for the year 2014 for article 15 (detailed information by agglomeration and treatment plant) and for article 17 (investment programme) for all European countries and EU overview.

Implementation of a UWWTD platform for each country and one for Europe as a portal: see which gives access to European overview and one visualization platform for each country. It includes also functions accessible to registered users to produce summary register: a set of calculations, graphs and summary tables which form the basis of the national assessment report.

Preparation of a summary report and all its annexes: the 9th technical assessment of UWWTD implementation.


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