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Bilan 2006 du réseau Repamo. Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins

Created in 1992, the REPAMO network (Network of mollusc pathology), is a national zoosanitary surveillance network of shellfish health status along the French coasts. Its activities are in keeping with two European Directives, 91/67/EEC and 95/70/EC and are a part of the institutional tasks of Ifremer. The aims of the network are to prevent the introduction and spread of exotic pathogens and to survey the evolution ofnotifiable pathogens already present in France. The network focused on the survey of listed diseases (bonamiosis and marteiliosis of flat oyster) in two areas under agreement process (zone X and Granville bed in zone IX). In 2006, only samples of the Granville bed could be analysed due to the difficulty to obtain flat oysters (sparse oyster beds, beds no easy accessible). The notifiable parasite Bonamia ostreae was observed on Granville bed in four oysters in summer and one oyster in autumn. Granville bed can be considered as infected by Bonamia ostreae. In 2006, the study of abnormal mortalities has been carried on and the number of reported cases was lower than 2005. Mortality occurred mostly in September-November period and affected the main production areas. Majority reports concerned Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. OsHV-1 was detected in several mortality cases of oyster spat like previous years. Some pathogens were detected associated with mortality cases but all the mortality cases could not be explained by pathogens. Environmental, physiological, zootechnical factors could play a direct or indirect part in reported mortalities. In 2006-2007, the zoosanitary surveillance of cultured and wild populations of shellfish concerns the mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis and their infection by the parasite Marteilia refringens.

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