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Bilan 2003 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins

The REPAMO network (network ofmollusc pathology), created in 1986, ensures the survey of shellfish health status along French coasts according? to European Directives 91/67/EEC and 95/70/EEC. The aims of the network are 1 - to prevent the introduction and spread of exotic pathogens, 2-to study the means to decrease the impact of pathogens already present and to survey their evolution. In 2003, the REPAMO network focused on the survey oflisted diseases (bonamiosis and marteiliosis) in two areas under agreement process (Banc de Granville and zone X) and on the study of abnormal morlalities. Number of reported abnormal morlalities has increased in 2003. This rise can be partly explained by the recent network restructuring, but also by the summer heatwave and associated indemnity claims for farming calamity. More than half of mortality cases were reported in summer. The main impacted areas were Brittany, Charente, Mediterranean and in a less purpose the North and Normandy. Majority of reports concerned Pacific cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Nevertheless, more cockle and mussel mortalities were recorded this year. These species seem to be less resistant than Pacific cupped oyster to high temperatures. Some of Crassostrea gigas spat mortalities were attributed to the OsHV-1 herpesvirus. Bacteria from the genus Vibrio could be isolated from Crassostrea gigas batches bred in closed structures. Some gametocytosis cases were reported in cupped oysters more frequently than previous years. Its impact is unknown but vigilance towards this disease must be increased in the future.

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