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Effect of a reservoir release on the morphology of a gravel bar: Field observations and 2Dh modeling

In the context of a reservoir release, this paper aims at understanding the impact of a flood wave on the morphology of a gravel bar. A comprehensive field survey was conducted in the Arc River (French Alps), a highly regulated gravel-bed river. To face reservoir silting dam managers perform sediment release by flushing a series of 3 reservoirs once a year. The area of interest is located in the mid part of the river. Morphological field campaigns were performed before and after the event. Both campaigns contain topography measurements, aerial pictures and grain-size survey. Independently, during the day of the reservoir release, flow measurements were carried out using current meter and Large-Scale PIV. Observations indicate a gross trend of the reach to erosion during the flushing event. The upstream part of themain flow channel was eroded, transverse connecting channels across the bar were strengthened or were modified, and the secondary flow channel on the left side remained unchanged. Furthermore large areas of fine sediment deposits were identified and measured. Water flow in the reach was simulated with the two-dimensional model Rubar20. 2Dh modeling gives us additional information on velocity fields during the whole event. Comparison between calculation results and LS-PIV flow measurements leads to good agreement between measurements and calculations. / Dans le cadre d'une chasse de retenue, cet article vise à comprendre l'impact d'une inondation sur la morphologie d'un banc de graviers. Une étude de terrain a été effectuée sur l'Arc (Alpes françaises). Pour réduire les dépôts, les gestionnaires des 3 barrages renvoient à la rivière les sédiments lors des chasses une fois par an. Dans le bief central de l'Arc, deux campagnes (une avant et une après la chasse) ont permis de regrouper des données topographiques, sédimentologiques et des vues aériennes. Les obervations indiquent une érodion du bief, la partie amont étant fortement érodée alors que le chenal secondaire restait inchangé. Des dépôts de sédiments fins sont observés et mesurés après la chasse. la modélisation numérique 2DH avec Rubar 20 a permis de reproduire le champ de vitesses en partant d'une comparaison entre les vitesses mesurées et calculées.

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