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Vietnam: A new institutional organization is gradually established

 The first phase of the Dong Nai River pilot project (2009-2012) has raised awareness of the key Vietnamese stakeholders regarding techniques for joint basin management.
As part of the ongoing cooperation with Vietnam through a second project phase, the formalization of an institutional organization for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a crucial step for the sustainability of the results of the pilot project in the Dong Nai River Basin.
A new Water Law was adopted in June 2012 and the decree specifying its implementation method in November 2013.
The building of a Vietnamese team, trained in the different techniques for developing a Basin Management Plan and Program of Measures, is at the core of Phase 2 of the project for the effective implementation of the new legislative framework.
The Department of Water Resources Planning and Investigation for the South (DWRPIS) was already introduced to these techniques during Phase 1.
The Directorate of Water Resources Management will develop three Regional Boards for Northern, Central and Southern Vietnam. These will orchestrate collaboration in the Basin Committees of these regions with the technical support of DWRPIS involved in the preparation of technical support documents.
These training sessions will be carried out in 2015.

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