SIIF: Structured Implementation and Information Framework Easier access to sanitation data
Mis à jour : 19/03/2015
The European Commission entrusted IOWater with the application of SIIF (Structured Implementation and Information Framework) to the Urban Waste Water Directive, in some pilot countries, to demonstrate its feasibility and added value.
This 15-month project aims to set up a website presenting, in a homogeneous manner, the sanitation situation in 3 countries of the European Union (Cyprus, Latvia and Slovenia).
Based on a user-friendly interface including maps and graphs, this website should allow people easy retrieval of information on the treatment plant or agglomeration of their choice and authorize the export of all or some data for further work.
It should also enable the European Commission to access the latest information in a format that meets the standards set for Europe and thus provide the latest data when available.
Once the system is fully operational, the platform, including the database and the website with maps, graphs and statistics, will be made available to other Member States for their use.
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