In Peru, there are now economic fees for water use!
Mis à jour : 18/03/2015
Under the institutional cooperation agreement signed in September 2013 with the National Water Authority of Peru, the French Artois-Picardy Water Agency is providing support to an IOWater project aiming to:
- Implement an ecological tax system (economic fees for water abstraction and wastewater discharges);
- Develop Water Resources Basin Councils (CRHC) and Management Plans.
The Chili River Basin was selected as pilot area for this project.
A delegation, led by Jean Schepman (President of the International Action Commission of the Artois-Picardy Basin Committee), went to Lima and Arequipa in May 2014.
Today, the implementation of economic fees in Peru is effective, based on the calculation method recommended by IOWater under the World Bank study.
The amounts collected are growing, from 50 Million Sols (1 €= 3.5 sols) in 2012 to more than 100 million in 2013.
The ”Cuenca del Chili” Basin Council is operational and a first Management Plan is developed.
The mission of experts who went there could identify the priorities of our Peruvian colleagues:
- Better structuring of their Basin Council (method for appointing members, internal rules...);
- Development of a Technical Secretariat (embryo of a Water Agency);
- Limitation of informal activities without a land license or without any authorization for water abstraction / pollution;
- Public consultation and involvement of stakeholders.
The new 2015 cooperation phase plans to develop:
- A paper in Spanish on the Basin Committee: statute, role, method for appointing members, operation, thematic and geographical working groups;
- A paper and a poster on the economic fee system and river basin management in Peru;
- A study tour of a Peruvian delegation in France.
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