Peru - National Water Authority The World Bank supports "ANA"
Mis à jour : 18/03/2015
The National Water Authority (ANA), established in 2008 and attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, has for mission to develop policies and strategies for integrated water resources management in Peru.
The field implementation of ”ANA’s” missions is relayed by three levels of decentralized organizations, according to a geographic distribution by major river basins:
- 14 Administrative Water Authorities (AAA);
- 72 Local Water Authorities (ALA);
- 17 Water Resources Basin Councils (CRHC).
”AAAs” and ”ALAs” have more than 900 staff members.
The main objective of the World Bank study, in which the International Office for Water contributed, was to identify a set of recommendations for ”ANA” to better fulfill its missions.
The study was made up of two components:
- An analysis of the possible restructuring of ”ANA”;
- An assessment to improve the management and skills of its human resources.
Among the key conclusions of this study, an update of the functional organization of ”ANA” was recommended, with the creation of a General Technical Secretariat in charge of supersizing and coordinating ”AAA” and ”ALA” activities.
The multiplication of tasks and the operational implementation of ”AAAs” in 2014, require a staff increase in order to have a proper implementation of the activities.
Another challenge is the modernization of the different types of personnel contracts.
In addition, ”ANA” needs to have adequate financial resources, based, in particular, on the new system of economic fees, such as those already used.
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