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The French National Water Training Center : A new key topic: Stormwater Management

For decades, urban floods have multiplied during heavy rainfall events. The consequences of these phenomena on goods and people can be dramatic or at least generating material damage and inconvenience for the population and urban activity.
Increasing soil sealing, due to urbanization growth, is the main cause of these events: the classic design of stormwater drainage is compromised.
Today, it is necessary to promote the integration of water into urban planning when designing development projects.
The challenge now is to limit soil sealing, favor infiltration, reduce discharges into the natural environment and develop alternative techniques to direct-to-sewer drainage by managing stormwater at the earliest possible stage.
To raise elected officials and prime contractors’ awareness of integrated stormwater management, the International Office for Water, in partnership with the Loire-Brittany and Adour-Garonne Water Agencies and Greater Limoges:
  • Published a ”Technical Booklet N° 20” on Stormwater in 2014;
  • Built in Limoges, a ”showroom” platform for presenting various alternative techniques (gutters, ditches, trenches, draining pavements, flood-prone areas, etc.).  

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