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French Development Agency (AFD): A new partnership with IOWater

The final version of the ”Report on the experience of Transboundary River Basin Organizations - Good Practices and Recommendations”, produced by IOWater with AFD support, was released in April 2014. It is available on the IOWater website in French and English versions.
In the following of this collaboration, a partnership agreement was signed by AFD and IOWater about various topics of collaboration.
The activities carried out in 2014 as part of this partnership are:
  • Support to the river basin organizations of the Senegal (OMVS), Niger (NBA), Congo (CICOS), Volta (VBA), Chad (LCBC) and Mekong (MRC), to the Water Resources Coordination Center (WRCC) of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and to the African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO);
  • Facilitation of a working group for the hydrological monitoring of major transboundary basins; capitalization of training materials and prefiguration of a sustainable funding model for WHYCOS projects;
  • Establishment of a working group on satellite altimetry applied to hydrology.
As part of this activity, a first meeting of the Working Group was held at the IRD Montpellier in November 2014 at the invitation of IOWater and under the aegis of AFD, with CNES, IRD, IRSTEA, BRL and CNR.
This is a first meeting bringing together the worlds of space, hydrology and water resources management 

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